Summer Planning for Prehealth Students

Four Steps to Summer Planning

What do prehealth students do?

There are more available hours than during the semester. Use your time productively, but be sure to allow some time to rest and recharge for the coming school year!

Main activities

  • Often full-time (about 40 hours per week) for 8-10 weeks 
  • Employment vs. internship vs. volunteer – the experience is more important than the title!
  • The most common activities are internships with a service or healthcare focus, research,  employment, and classes

Secondary Activities

  • Often a few hours per week every week and/or a week or two outside of the primary activity.
  • Most common activities are shadowing, MCAT study, short-term volunteering or returning to a previous volunteer opportunity at home, and traveling.

Where to look for summer opportunities?

Other considerations

Princeton Internships

Clearinghouse of links via Career Development

Summer Clinical Opportunities

Programs and opportunities past Princeton students have recommended.

Summer Research Databases

Databases to search for research opportunities.