Sample health-related SPIA theses
- The Cost of Negligence: Fiscal & Public Health Benefits of Investing in Refugee Healthcare
- Don’t Hold Your Breath: The Effect of the Affordable Care Act on Pediatric Asthma
- Female Autonomy and Contraceptive Use in Central Asia
- The Global Fight Against Antibiotic Resistance: An Analysis of Social and Health Seeking Determinants in Antibiotic Use in Vietnamese Children Under 5
- The Harmonization of Health Policy in the European Union: An Integrated, Neo-Functional Explanation
- Home is Where Your Health Is: Exploring Cross-Sector Partnerships that Care for the Chronically Homeless
- Improving Health in Minority Communities: Evaluating the Medicaid Expansion as an Intervention in Urban Environments
- Organ Transplantation Policy: Reducing the Kidney Deficit
- Reducing Hospital Readmissions in the Wake of the Affordable Care Act: Focus on Transition of Care and Social Determinants
- “We’re Closed, Call 911”: Community Effects and Perceptions of Rural Hospital Closures
Alum Profiles
Isabelle Byers '16, MD
"Let your curiosity drive you."
Dahlia Kaki '18, MD
"Strike a balance between being premed and being everything else you want to be."