AB in Chemistry, 2019
DMD, Rutgers University School of Dental Medicine, 2023
Completed a DMD at Rutgers School of Dental Medicine, entering class of 2019
Undergraduate concentration: CHM
Significant college activities: Varsity Lightweight Rowing; Cloister Inn; PFA Bible Course; Aquinas Institute; Princeton in Dar es Salaam; Student Research Fellowship Program (Cardiology) at Mirro Center for Research and IU School of Medicine; Dental, Cardiology, and Orthopedic Surgery Shadowing; Thesis Research in Myneni Lab
Words of wisdom about being prehealth at Princeton: Be realistic and even cautious about your commitments in each semester. I got caught up in making sure I had all of the prerequisite courses for my major and for schools I was considering before I started applying; in the process, I stretched myself too thin during a semester and paid the consequences. In later semesters, I found that I could easily have moved one or more of the courses I felt I had to take (for both my major and for my dental school applications) to a later time and would have been better off, with no negative effects in delaying the course. Be patient in completing courses, and evaluate for yourself whether you think that a semester is too strenuous for you. It is always better to take a course later and not have that grade on your application yet, than to take it and get a poor grade because you have committed to too many courses or activities in a semester. If you are cautious in your workload, your application—and your personal health—will thank you for it.