Nov 2 | Dr. Kevin Nadal's Talk at the Filipino Ivy League Conference

Written by
Princeton Filipino Community
Nov. 1, 2024

original email from RockyWire

dr kevin nadal

🇵🇭As part of the Filipino Ivy League Conference, Princeton Filipino Community is excited to present guest speaker… Dr. Kevin Nadal of CUNY🇵🇭

🌟Hear Professor Nadal speak on Saturday, November 2nd, 1:45PM @Frist MPR 🌟

Dr. Kevin Leo Yabut Nadal is a Distinguished Professor of Psychology at both John Jay College of Criminal Justice and Graduate Center at the City University of New York. He received his doctorate in counseling psychology from Columbia University in New York City and is one of the leading researchers in understanding the impacts of microaggressions, or subtle forms of discrimination, on the mental and physical health of people of color; lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) people; and other marginalized groups. He has published over 100 works on multicultural issues in the fields of psychology and education. Dr. Nadal is a National Trustee of the Filipino American National Historical Society (FANHS) and a co-founder of the LGBTQ Scholars of Color National Network.

Thank you to co-sponsors CCI, PSY, SOC, GSS, GSRC, and Effron.

— Princeton Filipino Community E-Board

FIL Filipino Ivy League Conference shields from ivy league institutions