Nov 1 | First Preveterinary Society Meeting

Written by
Princeton Preveterinary Society
Nov. 1, 2024

original email courtesy of Daphney Banino '26


So based on the results of the survey, we are setting the time for our first meeting at 5:30pm, Friday November 1st in Peretsman Scully 101.  We will have Jules pizza :) , will talk a bit about why we think the society is a great tool for pre-vet students and how to use it, and get into discussing ideas for our schedule this year.  I also just wanted to send out a quick PSA that advising for HPA is always open for individual meetings with students, and while most of their resources are geared towards traditional premed applicants, the office is filled with sweet and knowledgeable staff members who will put a lot of effort into answering any questions you may have.  They also host a lot of great events, including an Applications Info Session for the Class of 2026 this Monday, October 28th ( and a Prehealth Academics Advising session this Wednesday, the 30th (  

With that being said, we hope to see you this Friday, enjoy the rest of your weekend!!
(^ link to sign up for individual advising with HPA.) 

Pre-Veterinary Society, Princeton 

Princeton University