Join the Princeton Psychology Society

Written by
Princeton Psychology Society
Feb. 2, 2024

Are you looking for a place where you can have access to mentorship, fun events, networking experiences, and up-to-date information about the best psychology-related opportunities (including summer internships, shadowing, etc)?

Join Princeton Psychology Society this Spring!

This club is open to all people interested in psychology. This semester, we'll be hosting events including career panels, mentorship programming, summer application workshops, and more! And even better, we will be having elections this semester where you can run for leadership positions!

If you are interested (which I'm assuming is the VAST majority of all cool Princeton students reading this email), join the MyPrincetonU page to receive more emails! 

If you have any questions, email the President, Jules Regan ([email protected])!


See you soon!

Princeton Psych Society :)