Pursuing an MD/PhD at University of Michigan Medical School, entering class of 2023
Major: Neuroscience
Significant college activities: McGraw Tutor, Organic Chemistry TA, Princeton University Preparatory Program, Mental Health Initiative Board, English Language Program Conversation Partner, International Internship Program (Partners In Health-Liberia), junior and senior independent work in Ilana Witten's lab
Words of wisdom about being prehealth at Princeton: My path to medical school has been nontraditional, with four glide years of clinical and translational research at Yale prior to matriculation, but I never felt "off track" because I was building important skills and relationships for my life and career and taking advantage of unique opportunities when they arose. Therefore, my central piece of advice is to stay grounded in knowledge of yourself and your vision of your own path in medicine; it is tempting to look around at others and make choices based on a traditional premed track and what fits well within that narrative. More than anything, though, your authenticity and genuine sense of self will come through in your essays and interview conversations when you have made class, activity, and research choices based on your curiosity and unique perspective.
Next, try to form your own opinions about each milestone in the premed journey and not be swayed too much by the general reputation of organic chemistry or the MCAT, for example. I remember feeling hesitant to take orgo and start studying for the MCAT (and thus may have put it off a bit), but when it came time to actually do them, they weren't so bad! I ended up really liking orgo, in fact, and became a TA for the course my final two years at Princeton. The advice of others is extremely useful along this path, but realize it may not always apply to you, so don't avoid forming your own impressions!
Lastly, take advantage of the unique opportunities and programs available to you at Princeton. Attend '“The Doctor Is In” at the HPA office and meet alumni farther along in their medical journey, apply for international internships, meet with the wonderful HPA advisers. I am extremely grateful for the way the people and programs at Princeton helped me develop a clearer sense of the kind of physician and person I aspire to be.
If you want to talk about MCAT studying (I'm currently an MCAT tutor), deciding to apply MD/PhD, glide years, or anything else, please reach out to me at [email protected]—I’m happy to chat!