
Physicians (MDs and DOs) may take on numerous roles in their careers, including seeing patients, conducting research, teaching, managing healthcare facilities, and developing healthcare policy, but caring for individuals’ health is at the heart of the profession.

Physicians train in two types of medical schools: allopathic (granting the MD degree) and osteopathic (granting the DO degree). Osteopathic medicine was developed in the 1870s by an allopathic physician who felt there was undue focus on disease at the expense of preventative care and treating illness within the context of the whole body. MDs and DOs are trained similarly, completing undergraduate medical education (med school) and graduate medical education (residency), and can practice in all of the same settings in the US.

The Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) and Association of American Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine (AACOM) oversee allopathic and osteopathic medical education, respectively, and provide a wealth of information for aspiring physicians.

There is no required or recommended major. Premedical students pursue their major alongside medical school prerequisites that often include: 

  • General Chemistry with lab (2 semesters)
  • Organic Chemistry with lab (1 semester)
  • Physics with lab (2 semesters)
  • General Biology with lab (2 semesters)
  • Biochemistry (1 semester)
  • Math: 1 semester math, 1 semester statistics
  • English (2 semesters)

Recommended Courses:

  • Psychology, Sociology (to facilitate MCAT preparation)

It is essential to gain a real-world perspective on your profession of interest through clinical experience. Beyond that, choose serviceresearch, leadership, and other activities that will help you develop the core competencies valued in entering medical students, including service orientation, cultural competence, and teamwork and communication skills.

  • Applicants are expected to take the Medical College Admission Test within three years of planned matriculation to medical school (e.g., 2022 for matriculation in 2023 through 2025).
  • Begin working with HPA in the fall, two years before intended entry (e.g., Fall 2021 for 2023 matriculation).
  • Apply in June, about 16 months before intended entry (e.g., June 2022 for 2023 matriculation).
  • Apply to most schools through the AMCAS (MD) and AACOMAS (DO) primary (common) applications. Application opens in early May for submission in May/June.  Separate applications to Texas and Ontario.
  • Medical schools prefer/require a committee letter of recommendation

Find a Program

AAMC Medical School Admissions Requirements (MSAR)

A searchable database to explore US allopathic medical schools. Additional information available for an annual subscription fee (subscription included with AAMC Fee Assistance Program).

AACOM Choose DO Explorer

A searchable database to explore US osteopathic (DO) medical schools.

HPA Career of the Month

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Geriatric Medicine

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Pediatric Medicine

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Physician Scientist

updated 2021

Primary Care Physician

updated 2024


updated 2018

MD Matriculant Profiles

Myrha Qadir ‘21 | MD/MPH | UNC

do not lose sight of the values that motivate you, and be open to changes in your "plan"

Jean Cho '20 | MD | Boston University SOM

"Find your distinct connection to medicine that is a culmination of your individual interests and passions instead of trying to fit into a mold." 

Joanna Curry ‘19 | MD/MPH | UCLA

"Being imperfect is a strength that allows you the opportunity to push yourself out of your comfort zone and show true grit and dedication towards the pursuit of becoming a physician."

Taishi Nakase '21 (ORF) | MD | Stanford

"Exploring what lies outside of the path to medical school will not only deepen and colour your experiences making you a better candidate, but also enrich the unique time you have as an undergraduate at Princeton."

For more information

AAMC Premed Resources

The Association of American Medical Colleges oversees allopathic medical education.