Dental Medicine

The dental profession is the branch of health care devoted to maintaining the health of the teeth, gums and other tissues in and around the mouth. A dentist is a doctor, scientist and clinician dedicated to the highest standards of health through prevention, diagnosis and treatment of oral diseases and conditions. Dentists play a key role in the early detection of oral cancer and other systemic conditions of the body that manifest themselves in the mouth. They often identify other health conditions, illnesses, and other problems that sometimes show up in the oral cavity before they are identified in other parts of the body. (Learn more from the American Dental Education Association).

Academic Prerequisites

There is no required or recommended major. Predental students pursue their major alongside dental school prerequisites that often include: 

Often include:

  • General Chemistry with lab (2 semesters)
  • Organic Chemistry with lab (2 semesters)
  • Physics with lab (2 semesters)
  • Introductory Biology with lab (2 semesters)
  • Biochemistry (1 semester)
  • English (2 semesters)

Sometimes include:

  • Math: Calculus and/or Statistics
  • Psychology

Application logistics

Find a program

ADEA Dental School Map & ADEA Dental School Explorer

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HPA Career of the Month

Last updated 2022

Forensic Odontology

updated 2021


updated 2021

Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery

updated 2023

Princeton University does not have a dental program. We share this information for Princeton students and alumni who may be interested in becoming dentists.