Princeton in Africa (PiAf) Fellowship Opportunity in Public and Community Health

Oct. 6, 2016

Princeton in Africa (PiAf) is a non-profit organization that offers yearlong post-graduate fellowship opportunities with a variety of organizations working across the African continent. PiAf Fellows work in service-oriented positions in many different sectors, including international humanitarian aid, public & community health, business & economic development, agricultural development, and education & youth capacity building. Our organizations include the International Rescue Committee, Population Services International, the Mpala Research Centre and many other organizations - both large and small - doing remarkable work around the African continent. In 2016-17, PiAf has 49 Fellows working in 15 countries with 31 organizations. Since its launch in 1999, PiAf has placed nearly 500 Fellows in 36 countries across the continent. 


The deadline for the 2017-18 fellowship application is Sunday, October 30th at 11:59PM EDT. 


Graduating seniors and young alumni from any college or university accredited in the United States are eligible to apply. Please note that prior experience in Africa is not a requirement. There is no single background, skill, or experience that makes someone the "perfect" fellowship applicant. Our Fellows are talented and passionate individuals who bring a wide range of skills and experience to our fellowship organizations. 


Princeton in Africa will host a WEBINAR INFORMATION SESSION on Thursday, October 13th from 6-8PM EDT. This is a great opportunity to learn more about the program as well as the application process. Please sign up for our applicant mailing list to receive further details. 


We also encourage potential applicants to come by our office hours. Office Hours are hosted every Wednesday from 2-5pm until the deadline in Green Hall room 1-N-5.* If you have a tight schedule, you can sign up for a time slot to speak with a staff member here. *On October 26th, office hours will take place at Career Services. 


For more information about Princeton in Africa visit or email [email protected]. To apply, visit the Applicants page of our website:


"My fellowship has been the most impactful personal and professional development opportunity of my life. I wanted a post-college experience that would push my limits, expand my comfort zone, and help me discern the next steps of my career journey. And this has been the case."


Ryan Elliott, Princeton '14

2014-15 Fellow with Baylor Pediatric AIDS Initiative, Lesotho

Currently a Princeton Project 55 Research Fellow at OpenBiome