If you have previously applied to medical, dental, veterinary, or other health professions school through HPA, you were not accepted, and wish to apply again, HPA will submit all of your original materials, along with an addendum that highlights the steps that you have taken to become a more competitive applicant.
Considerations for Reapplicants Guide
required reading for potential reapplicants
Preparing for Reapplication
a seminar recording for 2025 Matriculation
Eligibility for an updated committee letter for reapplicants
In order for an updated composite letter to be written for a reapplicant (i.e., an applicant who has received a committee letter in a previous year but was unsuccessful in the health professions school application process), the following criteria must be met:
- The reapplicant should read through the Considerations for Reapplicants guide
- The reapplicant must have significantly improved their candidacy since the unsuccessful application, as determined through consultation with HPA.
- The reapplicant must secure at least one new letter of recommendation from someone with whom they have worked since the previous application.
- The reapplicant may not have been accepted and declined an offer of admission in a previous cycle.
- The applicant must complete the preapplication materials and participate in a portfolio review meeting.
- The reapplicant must meet all paperwork deadlines:
- ASAP: Notify HPA of intent to reapply; gain access to Canvas; complete Self-Assessment Form.
- June 1: Deadline for HPA Preapplication Portfolio Review meeting scheduling (including submission of preapplication materials)
- August 1: Deadline for AMCAS submission (for MD applicants)
- The applicant must send HPA a copy of the verified primary application(s).
Once the letter is written, a packet of materials is sent to the applicant’s schools. The packet includes:
- Addendum to the committee letter of recommendation, highlighting the steps the student has taken to become a more competitive applicant.
- One to two additional individual letters of recommendation.
- Original committee letter with original individual letters of recommendation.
- Letter addressing disciplinary/academic institutional action, if applicable.
- Description of Princeton’s grading policies, independent work requirements, and other highlights of the academic program.
The deadline to request a reapplicant committee letter addendum is June 1, 2024 -- that is, you must have completed your Self-Assessment Form and preapplication materials, and contacted HPA to schedule a preapplication portfolio review meeting. If we do not hear from you by then, we can send your old committee packet and additional letters to your health professions schools with a cover sheet that states that you did not meet the requirements to receive an addendum to your committee letter.