Letter Collection Service

HPA is happy to advise and provide application support for any student or alum applying to health professions schools. Please be in touch if you are a current or prospective applicant and would like access to our applicant materials via Canvas and our applicant listserv.

For Princeton students and alumni who are ineligible for a composite letter, HPA will collect individual letters of recommendation on their behalf and send a packet of the individual letters out to schools with a brief cover letter. There are no deadlines or other criteria required for individual letter collection, though we ask students using this service to release their application information to Princeton prehealth advisers for data collection purposes. Note that some professional schools (especially allopathic medical schools) will see it as a ‘red flag’ if an applicant is eligible for a composite letter and does not receive one. 

For allopathic (MD), osteopathic (DO), and dental schools, letter packets are sent through the AMCAS, AACOMAS, and AADSAS letter writer services, respectively – you need only designate that you’re receiving a letter packet and do not include each individual letter writer separately. 

To get started, contact HPA and provide a brief description of your plans.

Letter Collection FAQ