Starting in 2024-2025, we are piloting an in-house letter collection system. Princeton students and alums will complete a letter request for each writer, who will then be invited to upload their letter to the system. The letters will be stored securely through our office and distributed to professional schools at the applicant's request.
Step 1: Have a conversation with your letter writer
How to Ask
Review our guidelines on how to effectively ask for a letter of recommendation.
Step 2: Complete the Letter Request Form
Letter Request Form
The applicant should enter their information and their evaluator's information into this form. Create a separate form for each letter for each type of program.
Step 3: Your writer submits their letter
Your writer will attach their letter to the email sent by the letter system. It is stored securely with HPA. They will receive an email confirming that the letter has been received. The email asks them to let the applicant know that they have sent their letter.
Check the Status of a Letter
Applicants can complete this form to see if a letter has been uploaded into our letter system.
Step 4: Request that HPA sends your letters
Medical and dental school applicants should refer to guidelines on our applicant Canvas site.
For other programs, contact HPA for additional guidance. We can send letters to programs that do not require each recommender to provide specific information (e.g., ratings or rankings, Likert scales regarding your preparation).
Additional Letter Logistics
- Letters will be stored electronically for six years from the time of receipt and then purged.
- Letters are collected and will be distributed for the sole purpose of supporting applicants to health professions programs. We do not store or send letters for employment opportunities, other graduate programs, or other purposes.
- Some health professions programs require a separate form to accompany each letter of recommendation. We cannot complete these forms on behalf of letter writers. Applicants should work with their recommendation writers directly for these programs.