Financing Health Professional School

Navigating Application Expenses Guide

An HPA guide that outlines application expenses and gives tips for reducing costs.

Financing Professional School Guide

An HPA guide that outlines the cost of attendance and provides links about funding opportunities.

Navigating Application Expenses

The expense of a medical education begins with the application process. Have a frank discussion with your family regarding their level of support early in the process, as it may affect your decisions moving forward. Expenses will vary based on the number of applications, type of test preparation, and the interview process.

MCAT: $345
MCAT preparation: varies, $500-3000+
Primary application: About $1000 for 20 schools
Secondary applications: About $2000 for 20 schools
Interview clothing, travel, lodging: varies

Ways to reduce costs:

  • Using fee assistance programs to reduce exam, primary, and secondary application costs.
  • Working for a test preparation company may give you discounts for their preparation materials.
  • Taking the MCAT when you're well-prepared so that you only need to take it once.
  • Applying when you're a strong candidate so that you only need to apply once.
  • Applying locally can reduce interview costs.
  • Staying with volunteer student hosts during your interview or second look visit saves the cost of staying in a hotel.

Cost of Attendance

The high cost of attending medical, dental, and veterinary school can be intimidating, with graduate debt averaging over $150,000. However, if you educate yourself about financing options and available resources, you can prepare for the financial commitment that will be required. For detailed information, see Financial Planning for Health Professions Schools, and learn more from the links below.

AAMC Fact Sheets

The Association of American Medical Colleges provides fact sheets about paying for medical school, the financial aid process, budgeting, and other topics..

Loan Forgiveness

You will probably take out loans to cover some of your expenses. Loan forgiveness programs will pay back those loans in exchange for service in specified locations. The AAMC maintains a list of loan forgiveness and scholarship options.

Armed Forces HPSP

The Health Professions Scholarship Program (HPSP) is available through three branches: Army HPSPNavy HPSP, and Air Force HPSP. HPSP can pay 100% of your tuition and provide a stipend in exchange for a service obligation after you complete your health professions education.