Choosing Where to Apply

On your standardized application, you will indicate the schools to which you want to apply. There is no quick way to arrive at the list of schools that is appropriate for YOU. It takes time and research. There is no standard list that can simply be handed to you.

The Road Maps

All prospective applicants should purchase a copy of their health profession’s guide to schools. These are the only publications endorsed and authorized by the schools themselves, and available through various professional organizations. They provide a comprehensive place to start your school research.

Allopathic Medical (MD) Schools

AAMC Medical School Admissions Requirements (MSAR)

Osteopathic Medical (DO) Schools

AACOM Choose DO Explorer

Dental Schools


ADEA Dental School Explorer

HPA's School Resources

We have curated three spreadsheets with additional school information. Two are included below and the third is available to students and alums in the application year through Canvas.

Med School Prerequisites

This google sheet compiles the science, math, English/writing, and other prerequisites for US MD and DO, dental, veterinary, and PA programs. 

Princeton login required

Specialized Programs

A crowdsourced list of three-year programs, those with a specific focus (e.g., engineering, rural health), or other notable unique offering.