Katie Daniels '26

New College West

Hometown: Newtown, PA

Health Professional Area of Interest: Medicine

Relevant prehealth experience: Volunteer EMT with Princeton First Aid and Rescue Squad, Researcher in the Dettwiler lab exploring the effects of blast injury on military populations, Researcher in Notterman Lab studying the effects of repetitive Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI) on fruit flies, chair of Civic Leadership Health Council, AccessAbility Center Fellow

What topics are you excited to talk about? 

  • Finding research experience on campus

  • Contacting professors

  • Exploring the intersection between health and civic service

  • Finding hands-on patient experience

  • Considering different majors

Summer 2024 planned activities: Working in DC as an intern in pediatric neurosurgery at Children's National Hospital through Princeton Internships in Civic Service (PICS)

Last book you read for fun: Chasing my Cure by David Fajgenbaum

Favorite food: Sushi

Favorite way to relieve stress: Baking and going on hikes with friends, playing with my dog, Winnie