Fiction and Poetry
- Arrowsmith, Sinclair Lewis
- Becoming a Doctor, edited by Lee Gutkind
- The Best of the Bellevue Literary Review, Danielle Ofri and the Bellevue Literary Review
- Bleak House, Charles Dickens, Edited by George Ford and Sylvère Monod
- Cutting for Stone, Abraham Verghese
- Dream of a Ding Village, Yan Lianke
- The House of God: The Classic Novel of Life and Death in an American Hospital, Samuel Shem (Introduction by John Updike)
- A Life In Medicine: A Literary Anthology, Edited by Robert Coles, M.D. and Randy Testa
- Middlemarch, George Eliot
- On Doctoring, Stories, Poems, Essays, Richard Reynolds, M.D. & John Stone, M.D.
- Oxygen, Carol Cassella
- When the Air Hits Your Brain: Tales from Neurosurgery, Frank Vertosick Jr., MD