We share numerous news articles on our Facebook feed. Here are a few that may be particularly of interest to pre-health students.
Medical School Admissions: MCAT
- A Changing Tide: What the New Foundations of Behavior Section of the MCAT Might Mean for Undergraduate Neuroscience Programs (Journal of Undergraduate Neuroscience Education, Spring 2015)
- The New Social and Behavioral MCAT Requirements: Inspired Innovation, Missed Opportunity, or Both? (AAC&U Peer Review, Fall 2012)
- Scientific Thinking and Integrative Reasoning Skills (STIRS): Essential Outcomes for Medical Education and for Liberal Education (AAC&U Peer Review, Fall 2012)
Medical School Admissions
- An Overview of the Medical School Admission Process and Use of Applicant Data in Decision Making: What Has Changed Since the 1980s? (Academic Medicine, May 2013)
- Core Personal Competencies Important to Entering Students’ Success in Medical School: What Are They and How Could They Be Assessed Early in the Admission Process? (Academic Medicine, 2013)
- Undergraduate Medical Education and the Foundation of Physician Professionalism (JAMA, May 2015)
Medical Education
- The ACA Underway - a brief overview of the Affordable Care Act and implications for medical students. (The New Physician, 2014)
- American Medical Education 100 Years After the Flexner Report (NEJM, 2006)
- International Medical School programs for US citizens:
- Doctors with Borders: How the US Shuts out Foreign Physicians (The Atlantic, 2014)
- Second Chance Med School (NY Times, 2014)
- Where do International Medical Grads Fit in the US Healthcare Picture? (Medscape, 2016)
- The Plight of Physicians-in-Training (Nashville Medical News, 2015)
The Health Care System
- Is the Affordable Care Act Working? (NY Times, Oct 2014)
- A Primer on the Details of Health Care Reform (NY Times, Aug 2009)
- Shortage of Doctors an Obstacle to Obama Goals (NY Times, Apr 2009): Obama administration officials, alarmed at doctor shortages, are looking for ways to increase the supply of physicians to meet the needs of an aging population...
- The Systems Doctors (The New Physician, 2014): Physicians combine economics, medicine, sociology and politics to diagnose and treat health care systems.