William Travis '26

Butler College

Hometown: Evanston, IL

Health Professional Area of Interest: Medicine

Sport: Soccer

Relevant prehealth experience: Clinical shadowing in neuro-oncology at Northwestern Lou and Jean Malnati Brain Tumor Institute, shadowing at UChicago in the Infectious Disease treatment, Spanish Medical Interpreter at CommunityHealth Chicago, Volunteer at Penn Medicine Princeton Health, research assistant in Princeton IPA Lab

What topics can students ask you about? Balancing athletics with academics, how to find clinical and/or research experience, planning coursework and scheduling, considerations and concerns regarding medical school, or any other questions or concerns 

What advice would you give to a first- or second-year prehealth student athlete? As you continue to make your way through academics and athletics, stay open to different opportunities for growth. While the prehealth path requires certain competencies and commitments, it is also incredibly important to continue to pursue your other interests and passions. Understand that the prehealth path can take many different forms, and you can often learn a lot about your personal goals and ambitions by allowing yourself to grow in different areas. 

Summer 2024 planned activities: Research internship with HMEI using ethnographic approaches to understand the relationship between tourism and conservation in the urbanizing Peruvian Amazon. Pursuit of independent project focusing on the uses of traditional medicine in Iquitos, Peru.  

Last book you read for fun: Dune Messiah 

Favorite food: Pancakes

Favorite way to relieve stress: Listening to music