Hometown: Carmel, Indiana
Health Professional Area of Interest: Medicine
Relevant prehealth experience: Student-Athlete Wellness Leader, Early Assurance Acceptee, ACES RWJMS Summer Program, Medical Spanish, JPALS, Athletes in Action, Medical Representative Intern
What topics are you excited to talk about?
Balancing athletics and class
Early Assurance programs
Interview skills
Major selection
What advice would you give to a first- or second-year prehealth student athlete? Enjoy it! Princeton's academic experience has so much to offer. Every class is top tier and will expand the lens through which you see the world, so don't be afraid of exploring and developing your interests! Having a solid plan both for courses and weekly throughout the semester can help give you the flexibility to accomplish this. Never be afraid to ask for help!
Summer 2024 planned activities: ACES Program at Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School
Last book you read for fun: The Alchemist by Paolo Coelho
Favorite food: Hibachi
Favorite way to relieve stress: Listening to music