Hometown: Brooklyn, NY
Health Professional Area of Interest: Medicine
Relevant prehealth experience: Lab assistant with the Notterman lab, Hospice volunteer, Boston Healthcare for the Homeless Program's street medicine team, SHARE peer, Entre Amigas program with La Clínica Del Pueblo
What topics are you excited to talk about?
- How to find volunteer experiencing
- Connecting with Princeton professors and advisors
- Exploring non-traditional pre-health majors
- Being an athlete on the pre-medical track
What advice would you give to a first- or second-year prehealth student athlete? Explore your interests! Don't worry about how it will connect to your post-college plans, there is so much time and you will find the connections:) Ask for help and utilize the resources available to you (McGraw, HPA advisors, tutoring, etc..) while also taking care of yourself. Make sure to get enough sleep and fuel yourself with enough meals--remember these are just as important (if not more) than studying. It's so easy to feel imposter syndrome at a place like Princeton but remember everyone feels that way and you deserve to be at Princeton and are here for a reason! We are here to help :)
Summer 2024 planned activities: Interning with the women's and gender health team at La Clínica Del Pueblo in D.C. and studying for the MCAT
Last book you read for fun: Small Mercies by Dennis Lehane (I could not put it down!)
Favorite food: Sushi
Favorite way to relieve stress: Being outdoors with friends